Art Rotterdam 2025: Stand I-1


In August 2021, Jan Andriesse (1950) passed away. In his houseboat, an oeuvre was created in more than 30 years that is mainly characterized by light, space and emptiness, but also by accurate observation of physical phenomena and the nearby water of the Amstel. The painting, gouache or drawing is the result of the sensory experience as he observed it in nature, in particular in the geometry of the earth, the curved lines of hyperbola and parabola, of the rainbow and of gravity as a control of the chain.


In this mathematical and intellectual approach to nature also lies the kinship and the long-standing friendship with his colleague Jurriaan Molenaar (1968). The laws of perspective and geometry are the starting point in Molenaar's paintings. The flat surface of the canvas as an artistic playing field of geometry, the mathematical problem statement as an intellectual exercise.


Jan Andriesse and Jurriaan Molenaar visited each other's studios regularly and their friendship found fertile ground in their shared interest in science. Not only in the beta side of it, but perhaps even more in philosophy and the mutual stimulation of a sharp consciousness.