
More than all other visual art forms, the drawing shows the most direct and most intimate insight into the soul of the artist. Drawing as a direct transfer from the brain to the hand, usually consciously controlled by ratio, sometimes also as an unconscious and impulsive act. The black line on a flat and white sheet of paper, a simple intervention, the first stroke to a complex and well-thought-out composition or to an impulsive expression, but it may even end with that one line. The drawing on a sheet of paper, you can hardly come closer to the intention of an artist. The drawing can be a preparation, a preliminary study for a painting or sculpture to be developed later, but over the centuries the drawing has been particularly appreciated as an autonomous and independent medium, both by the artist and the collector.


In this time, in which restrictions have become the rule of necessity and in the cultural field the grand gesture is neither visible nor accessible - after all, the museums, theaters and galleries are closed - it might be good and attractive to consider the small gesture. A drawing, a work on paper is such a small gesture and moreover, due to its nature and flat and without paint impasto, it is therefore suitable for viewing "from a distance" and - second best - via your screen.


We made a selection of works on paper from our stock and hung them in the gallery. There are intimate and expressive drawings by Jan Schoonhoven, as well as his rare and complete series of eight embossings. There are informal drawings by Jan Henderikse and Henk Peeters, a "zero" drawing by Armando. A small series of calculated and geometric drawings by Ben Akkerman. There are small jewels of gouaches by Geer van Velde and his brother Bram van Velde. Drawings / collages by Carel Visser and informal paperwork by Jaap Wagemaker. Gouaches by Koen Vermeule, drawings by Erik Andriesse, Corrie de Boer and Wieteke Heldens.

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